Frequently Asked Questions

Will I be required to take off my clothes?

Although it is better for the practitioner to be able to see and touch the skin directly you may wear light clothing such as a T shirt and a pair of shorts or whatever you feel comfortable in.

How long will the sessions last?

 The initial assessment will last about 30 minutes with approximately 45 minutes of therapy. Most subsequent sessions will last between 45 to 60 minutes.

How often will I need the therapy?

 Although people will often notice a significant benefit from the first session, most therapists will recommend further treatments but normally 3 sessions are the norm. Some chronic conditions may require ongoing, long term sessions while others may need a ‘top up’ every 6 months.


How safe is the Bowen Technique?

 The Bowen Technique uses such a gentle level of touch that it is considered to be one of the safest therapies. Indeed it is so none-invasive and gentle it is not uncommon to fall asleep during treatment. This gentleness means that it is suitable therapy for people of all ages with all manner of problems.



"Bowen can affect people in different ways. Some people experience euphoria, a surge of energy, tiredness or weepiness."


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